Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Laser-activated drug-"new hope for prostate cancer treatment"

A new hope for prostate cancer treatment

A new laser-based treatment for prostate cancer has shown
 promise as a new therapy, without the need for surgery.
In a new study, published Tuesday in the Lancet Oncology,
 scientists at UCL in the UK injected cancer patients with a
 light-sensitive chemical that, on entry into the prostate,
could be activated by lasers to kill cancerous cells, while
 avoiding the surrounding healthy cells and tissue.
    Prostate cancer is the fourth most common cause of cancer
    worldwide, and the second most common cancer among men.
    It's estimated that there were more than 180,000 new cases of
     prostate cancer in the US in 2016, with more than 26,000 deaths,
     according to the American Cancer Society.
    Current care for prostate cancer patients often involves monitoring
     them closely until their cancer has become more severe, at which
     point their prostate is either removed or completely irradiated,
     bringing with it the risk of long-term side-effects, including erectile
     problems or incontinence.
    But this new treatment, known as vascular-targeted photodynamic
     therapy (VPDT), offers hope to go in earlier. Nearly half of the patients receiving it went into complete remission, as opposed to just 13% in the control group after two years of follow-up.
    "These results are excellent news for men with early localised prostate cancer, offering a treatment that can kill cancer without removing or destroying the prostate," said Professor Mark Emberton, dean of UCL Medical Sciences and consultant urologist at University College London Hospital who led the research.
    The therapy was trialed on 413 patients with low-risk prostate
     across 10 European countries. Participants were randomly assigned
     to either receive the new light-based therapy or standard care -- in this case, active surveillance.
    "This is truly a huge leap forward for prostate cancer treatment,
    which has previously lagged decades behind other solid cancers,
    such as breast cancer," Emberton said in a statement, adding
    that while breast cancer can often be treated today without the
     need of a mastectomy to remove the breast, the main options
    for prostate cancer patients remain removal of their prostate or total irradiation of the gland.
    The new therapy also shortened the duration of side-effects,
    with most cases being resolved within three months, and all patients no longer experiencing side effects after two years.
    "The success of this new tissue-preserving treatment is welcome news indeed," he said.

    'I didn't want to wait'

    A patient in his 60s, known only as Gerald, was one of the
     first people to receive the new laser therapy, according to the
     researchers. He explained he didn't want to have to wait for his
     cancer to get worse before receiving treatment and that this new
     therapy has changed his life in terms of survival, but also quality.

    "The treatment I received on the trial changed my life. I'm now
    cancer-free with no side-effects and don't have to worry about
     needing surgery in (the) future. I feel so lucky to be in this position,
    " he said in a statement.
    He met others with the same condition that had undergone therapy
     and had to stay in the hospital for several days, with one person experiencing severe incontinence. Gerald, however, could go home
     the day after his procedure and had minimal side effects, he said.
    I had some minor side effects for a few weeks after the operation,
     but I'm back to normal now," he said. "When I was diagnosed with
     early prostate cancer, I had the option of active surveillance but I
     didn't want to wait until it got worse so when I was offered a place
    on the trial I signed up straight away."

    How it works

    This targeted form of photodynamic therapy was developed by
    scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel in
    collaboration with biotechnology company, STEBA Biotech.
    The process involves infusion of a light-sensitive drug -- or dye --
     into the blood stream to reach the affected lobe of the prostate.
    After the chemical is localized, optical fibers are inserted into the
     same affected region to deliver light.
    Laser light at a specific wavelength of light is then given through the
    optical fibers that are then absorbed by the light-sensitive drug to
    activate it. Once activated, the drug blocks blood flow around the
     tumor cells, causing them to die.
    "It's basically like putting a dye inside a tumor and then shining a
    light on it to make it vanish," said Mustafa Djamgoz, professor of
     oncology at Imperial College London, who was not involved
     in the study. "(This) technology does it through the blood supply ...
     which makes it less invasive."
    In the trial, patients receiving the therapy saw a range of
    in addition to the increased chances of remission. Their chances of
     cancer progressing to a more dangerous stage were three times
     lower, treatment doubled the average time to progression to 28
     and only 6% of patients needed radical therapy -- where their
     prostate would either be removed or completely irradiated --
     compared to 30% in the control group.
    A further benefit was the lack of long-lasting side-effects.
    "A big problem in cancer is targeting the cancer and not
    affecting the rest of the body ... and this technique does that,"
    said Djamgoz, adding that although this is a significant step
     toward a new therapy, "it didn't happen overnight." More than
     a decade of research has gone into this result.
    "New procedures are generally associated with a learning curve,
    but the lack of complications in the trial suggests that the treatment
     protocol is safe, efficient and relatively easy to scale up,"
     said Emberton who also hopes that more recent developments in
     MRI scanning and targeted biopsies, that occurred after this trial
     began, could further improve his new treatment.
    "We could accurately identify men who would benefit from VPDT
    and deliver treatment more precisely to the tumor," he said.
     "With such an approach we should be able to achieve a significantly
    higher remission rate than in the trial and send nearly all low-risk
     localized prostate cancers into remission."


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